2024 Poster Presentations Coming in October



Here is a reminder of the 2023 posters:

 POSTER SESSION A  (Tuesday-Wednesday morning)

A001*: Quantification of the Antigen Density Activation Threshold for Targeted Immunotherapeutics, Presented by Courteney A., Antibody Analytics Ltd.

A002*: Using Surface Plasmon Resonance to Investigate the Multi-Specific Modalities of Immunotherapeutic Molecules, Presented by Nichole C., Antibody Analytics Ltd.

A003*: Rational Antibody Discovery: Novel Target for Alzheimer Disease Reachable with RedMabs, Presented by Paula G., BioClonal SL

A004*: Satisfying Regulatory Requirements Using Orthogonal Methods for Glycosylation Analysis: An Example with a Monoclonal Antibody (mAb), Presented by Archana S., Ludger Ltd.

A005*: Engineering Escherichia coli for Recombinant Protein Secretion, Presented by Antonia A., Norwegian University of Science and Technology

A006*: Human Senescence Marker Protein-30 (HuSMP30) Displaying Anti-Biofilm Property Against Mycobacterium smegmatis, Presented by Priyamedha Y., South Asian University

A007: Thermal and pH Stress Dictate Distinct Mechanisms of Monoclonal Antibody Aggregation, Presented by Sean C., A*STAR - Agency for Science, Technology and Research

A008: Manufacturability and Functionality Assessment of Different Formats of T-Cell Engaging Bispecific Antibodies, Presented by Han Ping L., A*STAR - Agency for Science, Technology and Research

A009: ROR1 Targeted 4-1BB Conditional Bispecific Antibody, ABL102, Exhibits Potent In Vitro and In Vivo Antitumor Activity and Superior Safety Profile, Presented by Yangsoon L., ABL Bio, Inc.

A010: ABL103, a Novel B7-H4x4-1BB Bispecific Antibody, Exerts Potent Antitumor Activity and Good Safety Profile via B7-H4-Dependent 4-1BB Activation with Increased Immune Cell Infiltration in Tumor Microenvironment, Presented by Kyungjin P., ABL Bio, Inc.

A011: Selective Antibody Depletion Compounds ( SADC ): Injectable Decoys for the Selective and Rapid Removal of Harmful Antibodies, Presented by Gerhard S., Ablevia Biotech GmbH

A012: Analytics and Bioassays to Accelerate Biologic and Bioconjugate Development, Presented by Erika K., Abzena

A013: Discovery of Antibodies and Targets from Resilient Individuals: Phage Display Using Patient Antibody Repertoire Provides CD33 Antibody with Unique Characteristics, Presented by Olivia S., Alchemab Therapeutics Ltd.

A014: Evaluating the Higher-Throughput Structural Mass Spectrometry Toolbox for Characterisation of the Higher Order Structure of Therapeutic Proteins, Presented by Piera M., AstraZeneca

A015: In Silico Immunogenicity Risk Assessment of Biologics at AstraZeneca, Presented by Olga O., AstraZeneca

A016: Enhancing AAV6 Vector Production for Cell Therapies: Harnessing the Potential of Viralgen's Pro10™ Platform for Scalable Manufacturing, Presented by Ana B., Bayer AG

A017: Identification and Characterization of an Unexpected Isomerization Motif in CDRH2 that Affects Antibody Activity, Presented by Meiqi Y., Beigene

A018: An Ultra-High-Throughput Screen for the Evaluation of Peptide HLA - TCR Interactions, Presented by Simon S., BioCopy GmbH

A019: A Proven and Reliable Alpaca VHH Antibody Discovery Platform, Presented by Lei S., Biointron

A020: Development of High Throughput Single-B Cell Antibody Discovery Platform, Presented by Boris X., Biointron

A021: Enhancing Cancer Immunotherapy Assessment with 3D Cancer Heterospheroid Models, Presented by Natasha H., Bioneer A/S

A022: Multiscale Biomolecular Simulations for Design of New Components for Immunotherapy, Presented by Anastasia M., BioNTech

A023: CDR Conformation Assignment in DALILA: An Antibody Annotation Platform, Presented by Jochem E., Bio-Prodict BV

A024: Pioneer: A Novel Biotherapeutic Antibody Discovery Platform, Presented by Katharina R., Bio-Rad Laboratories

A025: TrailBlazer: A Rapid Modular Antibody Assembly Platform, Presented by Paul R., Bio-Rad Laboratories

A026: Rapid Generation of Bispecific Antibodies for High-Throughput Screening with SpyLock Technology, Presented by Francisco Y., Bio-Rad Laboratories

A027: High Throughput Oligomap Analysis of Biologics, Presented by Dennis B., Boehringer Ingelheim Pharma GmbH & Co. KG

A028: Quantifying PS20 in Presence of Cyclodextrin in Buffer and Drug Substance Using Mid-Range Infrared Spectroscopy, Presented by Sunny S., Boehringer Ingelheim Pharma GmbH & Co. KG

A029: Streamlined Screening of Process Parameters in ADC Manufacture: Simultaneous Monitoring of DAR and Aggregation Levels by SEC, Presented by Igor D., Carbogen AMCIS AG

A030: Pushing the Limits of Site-Specific mAb Conjugation in cGMP ADC Manufacture, Presented by Artem O., Carbogen AMCIS AG

A031: Exploring the Interaction Between SARS-CoV-2 RBD and Human ACE2: A Phage Display-Based Approach, Presented by Beatriz PM., Center of Molecular Immunology

A032: Engineering Tailor-Made Interleukin-2 Variants Through Phage Display and In Vitro Evolution: Potent Super Agonists with Improved Developability Profiles, Presented by Gertrudis R., Center of Molecular Immunology

A033: Supporting CAR-T Cell Therapy Development from Discovery to IND-Filing, Presented by Namrata J., Charles River Laboratories

A034: Bispecific Antibody Discovery Platform for IND Enabling Studies, Presented by Rachel P., Charles River Laboratories

A035: Antibody-Drug Conjugate Off-Target Binding Screen: Increasing the Confidence in ADC Safety During Development, Presented by Diogo RF., Charles River Laboratories

A036: Structural Insights on the Recognition Mode of an Antibody Targeting the Sialyl-Tn Antigen, Presented by Maria L., CIC bioGUNE

A037: Deciphering the Structural Details of the Recognition Mode of Cancer-Associated Glycoproteins by Siglec Receptors Implicated in Immune Suppression in Cancer, Presented by Klaudia S., CIC bioGUNE

A038: CovIsoLink™: Antibody and Antibody Fragments Site Specific Conjugation Using mTG New Q-tag Substrate, Presented by Meddy E., Covalab SAS

A039: Structure of a FAB-PD1 Complex: From Protein to Structure Using the Structural Biology Platforms at Diamond Light Source, Presented by Christofer B., Diamond Light Source

A040: Generative AI Based Affinity Engineering of TCRs for Potent Soluble T Cell Engagers, Presented by Sarah S., Etcembly Ltd.

A041: Using Machine Learning to Predict Protein Expression, Presented by Evgeny T., European Molecular Biology Laboratory, European Bioinformatics Institute

A042: Each New Target and Biology Merit a “One does not fit all” Solution, Presented by Tatiana R., FairJourney Biologics

A043: High Throughput Approaches for Production and Characterization in Antibody Discovery, Presented by Maria V., FairJourney Biologics

A044: Fully Automated Characterization of Ternary Complex Formation, Presented by Hasse H., Fida Biosystems ApS

A045: Assessment of Sample Quality with Every Measurement, Presented by Stephan K., Fida Biosystems ApS

A046: Rapid Sizing and Characterisation of Bispecific Antibodies, Presented by Brian S., Fida Biosystems ApS

A047: Mammalian Display for Antibody Discovery, Presented by Simon L., Fusion Antibodies PLC

A048: Automated Analysis of High-Throughput AC-SINS Assay for Antibody Developability Assessment, Presented by Lorena GP., Genedata AG

A049: An Automated High Throughput Engineering Platform for AI-Supported Developability Predictions, Presented by Sebastian K., Genedata AG

A050: Robust and Unbiased New Peak Detection (NPD) in a Streamlined Multi-Attribute Method (MAM) Data Analysis Workflow, Presented by Claudio S., Genedata AG

A051: An Analysis of the Human Immunoglobulin Paired Repertoire Using Single Cell 10X and Overlap Extension RT-PCR Techniques, Presented by Helen S., Geneious Biologics

A052: Transgenic Llama Mice - A Fast and Flexible Single Domain Discovery Tool, Presented by Alessa S., Genovac Antibody Discovery LLC

A053: Make Therapeutic Antibodies Fast via MonoRab™ & TurboCHO™ from GenScript, Presented by Hui Foon T., GenScript Biotech Pte. Ltd.

A054: Empowering Antibody Drug Development, Presented by Amanda G., GenScript USA Inc.

A055: Aura+: High Throughput, Low volume Product Stability and Purity Analysis for Gene and Cell Therapies, Presented by Paul D., Halo Labs

A056: Design of Chimera Vaccines for Human Papillomavirus (HPV), Presented by Julia S., Hebrew University Jerusalem

A057: Phage and Yeast United for the Better: Synthetic VHHs Selection and Optimization, Presented by Abarna L., Hybrigenics Services SAS

A058: The Twin-Strep-tag® - A Universal Protein Tag for Antibody Discovery and Development, Presented by Fabian M., IBA Lifesciences GmbH

A059: TCR Dextramer® Reagents Can Measure Antigen Presentation on Cells, Presented by Thomas HB., Immudex

A060: Ex Vivo Immunotoxicity Assessment of Clinical Antibodies - Experience from a Cohort of 145 Healthy Donors and Comparison to Common In Vitro Assays, Presented by Sakthi S., Immuneed AB

A061: Functional Evaluation of Immuno-Oncology Drug Candidates in Customized Bioassays, Presented by Ellen B., ImmunXperts SA, a Q2 Solutions Company

A062: Early Unwanted immunogenicity Risk Assessment of Biotherapeutics, Presented by Sofie P., ImmunXperts SA, a Q2 Solutions Company

A063: Collagen Binding TNF Reduces Systemic Toxicity and Drives Complete Remission of Established Immunologically Cold Murine Tumours, Presented by Pooja K., Imperial College London

A064: Sequential Self Assembled Cas9 RNP Loaded Ternary Complex Comprising Tannic Acids and Phenylboronic Acid-Conjugated Polymers for Efficient Gene Editing, Presented by Takumi M., Imperial College London

A065: Making a New Generation of Engineered IL-12 for Solid Tumour Immunotherapy, Presented by Maria N., Imperial College London

A066: Rational Design of a Next Generation Synthetic Fab Library for Antibody Discovery, Presented by Satyendra K., Institute for Protein Innovation

A067: Preclinical Safety Assessment for Specificity of Biotherapeutics Using the Membrane Proteome Array, Presented by Rachel F., Integral Molecular

A068: Development of CTIM-76, a Highly Specific Claudin 6 Bispecific Antibody, Presented by Joseph R., Integral Molecular

A069: Predicting the Clinical PK of Candidate Therapeutic Antibodies, Presented by Adriano F., Jackson Laboratory

A070: Translational Humanized Models for Immunotherapy Drug Development, Presented by Ralph G., Jackson Laboratory

A071: A Novel, Translational Platform to Assess the Efficacy and Toxicity of Bispecific Antibodies, Presented by Philip G., Jackson Laboratory

A072: Transforming Tumor Research: Engineering MHCs as Versatile Reagents, Presented by Manhee S., KactusBio, Inc.

A073: Advancing Cell Line Development with a Logic-Gated Synthetic Split-GS Selection System, Presented by Chansik Y., Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology

A074: Odorant Receptors in Glioma, Presented by Hee Jin C., Kyungpook National University

A075: A Cell-Free Platform for Complex Protein Expression and Pre-Clinical Development, Presented by Ridhima G., LenioBio GmbH

A076: Antibody Humanisation with LifeArc: Prioritising Developability and Function Using High-Throughput Screening and Characterisation, Presented by Lucy B., LifeArc

A077: ADDovenom: Novel Snakebite Therapy Platform of Unparalleled Efficacy, Safety and Affordability, Presented by Stefanie M., Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine

A078: Unlocking the Secrets of Cell Productivity: A Reverse Causal Inference Approach, Presented by Alessandro D., Lonza Biologics

A079: Genome Engineering of a CHO Cell Line to Generate Desired Antibody Characteristics, Presented by Qi L., Lonza Biologics

A080: Taking a Hybrid Approach for Optimising Transient Protein Expression in CHO Cells, Presented by Bernadette S., Lonza Biologics

A081: Engineering Multi-Specific Antibodies for Prophylactic Treatment of Allergies, Presented by Tudor I., Mabylon AG

A082: Promoting Immune Response of Endothelial Cells by Bevacizumab: Insights into the Role of Anti-VEGF Therapy in Reprograming the Immunosuppressive Tumour Microenvironment, Presented by Haiyan J., Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency

A083: A Streamlined Approach to Identify Allosteric Single-Domain Antibodies, Presented by Lexane F., Merck Healthcare KGaA

A084: Enhancing Synthetic Biology Workflows: The QPix™ XE Microbial Colony Picker – Compact, Cost-Effective, and High-Throughput, Presented by Janet G., Molecular Devices

A085: Leveraging Microalgae Metabolism to Produce Natural Food Dyes: An Automated Screening Approach, Presented by Carola M., Molecular Devices

A086: Nanosyringes: Intracellular Protein Delivery in Action, Presented by Sabine BG., NanoSyrinx Ltd.

A087: Cell Surface Nanog, A Novel Marker in Breast Cancer Targeted Immunotherapy, Presented by Niloufar S., National Institute of Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology

A088: Spotlight Your Immune Response – CD4+ T Cell PET Tracer to Guide Immunotherapy, Presented by Philipp K., Natural and Medical Sciences Institute, University of Tübingen

A089: Spotlight Your Immune Response – SIRPα+ Macrophage PET Tracer to Guide Immunotherapy, Presented by Teresa W., Natural and Medical Sciences Institute, University of Tübingen

A090: Enhancing Redirected TCR Immunotherapy Through Optimized TCRs, Presented by Sebastian BS., Nextera AS

A091: Rapid Cell-Free Expression and Purification Screen Through Digital Microfluidics on eProtein Discovery™, Presented by Haren A., Nuclera

A092: oNKo-001: A Reduced Potency IL-12 Fc Fusion Protein with Enhanced Therapeutic Index, Presented by Richard B., oNKo-Innate

A093: optoWELL and Beyond: Pioneering Optogenetic Solutions for Tomorrow's Biotech Innovations, Presented by Kathrin B., opto biolabs GmbH

A094: Cell-Based Luminescent Reporter Bioassays for Immunotherapies Targeting Macrophage Effector Functions, Presented by Jamison G., Promega Corporation

A095: Development of Bioluminescent No-Wash Fc Gamma Receptor Binding Immunoassay to Guide the Development of Antibody Therapeutics, Presented by Jeff N., Promega Corporation

A096: MK-7240 (PRA023) Binds to Trimeric and Monomeric Soluble TL1A and Membrane TL1A, Presented by Johan F., Prometheus Biosciences, a wholly owned subsidiary of Merck & Co., Inc.

A097: Simplified and Automated Analysis of the Highly Glycosylated Therapeutic Protein Erythropoietin, Presented by Stephane B., Protein Metrics, Inc.

A098: A Real-Time Informatics Pipeline Enables Screening of Biologics During High-Throughput Expression, Presented by David L., Protein Metrics, Inc.

A099: Pushing the Development of Anti-Idiotypic VHH Through Immunization and Panning, Presented by Edward D., QVQ B.V.

A100: Overcoming Obstacles in Antibody Discovery: Investigating the Power of De Novo Polyclonal Sequencing, Presented by Monique S., Rapid Novor, Inc.

A101: Integration of Next-Generation Transposon Vectors with State-of-Art Host Cell Lines, Presented by Alex O., Revvity

A102: Application of Gene Editing Technologies to Improve Biotherapeutic Manufacturing, Presented by Ana R., Revvity

A103: CHOSOURCE™ ADCC+ Cell Line for Enhanced Therapeutic Potency, Presented by Elena T., Revvity

A104: Engineering of DutaFabs, Presented by Hilmi Y., Roche Diagnostics GmbH

A105: Antibody Discovery Using the Galaxy® Library Platform, Presented by Phil J., RxBiologics Ltd.

A106: Performance Benchmarking of Commercial Cell-Free Expression Platforms, Presented by Mainak DG., Sartorius Stedim Cellca GmbH

A107: Engineering a ROR1/CD3 Bispecific TCE with Excellent Tumor-Killing Effect, Presented by Jinghua G., Shanghai AceMab Biotechnology Ltd.

A108: EcCustom: A Platform for Customzing E. coli for Recombinant Protein Production, Presented by Jan-Willem D., Stockholm University

A109: Efficient and Diverse Panel of Monoclonal Antibodies Generation by Electro-Gene-Transfer, Presented by Giuseppe R., Takis Srl

A110: Breaking Through the Solid Tumors by Disrupting the Stromal Barriers, Presented by Mark C., Tavotek Biotherapeutics

A111: Production of Virus-Like-Particles (VLP) in a Baculovirus-Free Insect Cell Expression System for Antibody Development, Presented by Nina L., Technical University of Braunschweig

A112: Cytosol-Penetrating Antibodies: Delivery of Intracellular Targeting Proteins, Presented by Carolin D., Technical University of Darmstadt

A113: In Silico Prediction of VHH Aggregation Propensities, Presented by Felix G., Technical University of Darmstadt

A114: The Potential of 2in1 Antibodies: Affinity Maturation and Trifunctionalization, Presented by Julia H., Technical University of Darmstadt

A115: Engineering Bispecific Antibodies Targeting CD89 for Macrophage-Mediated Tumor Eradication, Presented by Felix M., Technical University of Darmstadt

A116: Optimizing the Expression and Purification Workflows for Membrane Proteins, Presented by Richard A., Thermo Fisher Scientific

A117: Synthetic Biology Strategies to Accelerate Antibody Development, Presented by Rebecca M., Thermo Fisher Scientific

A118: Physicochemical and Biological Characterization of Teduglutide Biosimilar, Presented by Sung-Gun K., U1 University

A119: A Pipeline Identifying Clinical Antibodies from Repertoire Data Using Supervised and Unsupervised Machine Learning, Presented by James SJ., University College London

A120: Generation of Recombinant Antibodies from Horses Immunised Against Snake Venom, Presented by Rhys D., University of Cambridge

A121: Leverage the Power of Native CDR Sequences for the Affinity Maturation of Computationally Designed Single Domain Antibody, Presented by Xing X., University of Cambridge

A122: Direct Replacement of Secondary Antibodies Using Affimers, Presented by Izzie G., University of Leeds

A123: An Immunotoxin Derived from Pseudomonas aeruginosa as a Promising Approach for the Treatment of Triple-Negative Breast Cancer, Presented by Rafaela M., University of Lisbon

A124: Impact of Freezing Geometry on the Cryopreservation of Stem Cells: Reducing DMSO Concentration, Presented by Kaue M., University of Lisbon

A125: Targeting Siglec10-CD24 Axis: A New Therapeutic Approach for Feline Mammary Carcinoma, Presented by Alexandra O., University of Lisbon

A126: Predicting Antibody Aggregation: Novel Surface Feature Connection, Presented by Benjamin K., University of Ljubljana

A127: Improving Nivolumab Blocking Efficiency Through Antibody Engineering, Presented by Martin F., University of Oxford

A128: HRPro - A Peroxidase for Antibody-Directed Enzyme Pro-Drug Therapy, Presented by Stefan K., Vienna University of Technology

A129: Analysis of Cell Lysis Efficiency and Inclusion Body Size Distribution via Differential Centrifugal Sedimentation, Presented by Robert K., Vienna University of Technology

A130: Peptide Characterization and Monitoring Workflow for Biosimilar mAb Drug Products Using a Compliance Ready LC-MS and Informatics Platform, Presented by Nick P., Waters Corporation

A131: Solutions for In-Process Monitoring of Critical Quality Attributes in Bioprocessing, Presented by Magnus W., Waters Corporation

A132: Empowering GITR-Targeted Agonistic Antibody-Based Immunotherapy by Fc Engineering, Presented by Yahel A., Weizmann Institute of Science

A133: XploreSeq™: AI-Enhanced Antibody Discovery Platform via Immune Repertoire Next-Gen Sequencing, Presented by Alex L., XtalPi

A134: Structural Comparison of the Matrix Metalloproteinases Using Microfluidic Modulation Spectroscopy (MMS)Presented by Jan S., RedShift Bio

A135: Singularity Sapiens: A Next Generation Mouse Model for Developing Fully Human Single Domain Antibodies, Presented by Weisheng C., Leveragen, Inc.

A136: Leap-In Transposases® - A New Paradigm of Cell Line Development: Case Studies - Antibodies, Bispecifics, Multispecifics and More…, Presented by Mario P., ATUM



POSTER SESSION B  (Wednesday afternoon-Thursday)

B001*: Quantification of the Antigen Density Activation Threshold for Targeted Immunotherapeutics, Presented by Courteney A., Antibody Analytics Ltd.

B002*: Using Surface Plasmon Resonance to Investigate the Multi-Specific Modalities of Immunotherapeutic Molecules, Presented by Nichole C., Antibody Analytics Ltd.

B003*: Rational Antibody Discovery: Novel Target for Alzheimer Disease Reachable with RedMabs, Presented by Paula G., BioClonal SL

B004*: Satisfying Regulatory Requirements Using Orthogonal Methods for Glycosylation Analysis: An Example with a Monoclonal Antibody (mAb), Presented by Archana S., Ludger Ltd.

B005*: Engineering Escherichia coli for Recombinant Protein Secretion, Presented by Antonia A., Norwegian University of Science and Technology

B006*: Human Senescence Marker Protein-30 (HuSMP30) Displaying Anti-Biofilm Property Against Mycobacterium smegmatis, Presented by Priyamedha Y., South Asian University

B007: Real-Time Binding Kinetics on Cells, Presented by Vera M., 2bind GmbH

B008: Developing a Novel CAR-T Therapy for AML, Presented by Eve N., A*STAR - Agency for Science, Technology and Research

B009: Pre-Clinical Development of a Novel CAR-T Cell Therapy Against Hepatocellular Carcinoma, Presented by Bei W., A*STAR - Agency for Science, Technology and Research

B010: Targeting Intracellular Tumor Antigens to Fight Cancer: Discovery and Development of Functional and Specific T-Cell Engagers Against a MAGE-A4 pMHC, Presented by Kevin J., AbCellera

B011: Antibody Candidates Ready for IND-Enabling Studies with an Integrated Antibody Discovery and Development Engine, Presented by Lucas K., AbCellera

B012: Comparing Potential Bispecific Formats of Trastuzumab and a Humanized OKT3, Presented by Catherine B., Absolute Antibody

B013: Pairing In Vivo Diversities with a Yeast-Based Platform for Integral Membrane Protein-Specific Antibody Discovery, Presented by Noel P., Adimab LLC

B014: Identification of Pharmacokinetic Profile Modifiers for Bispecific Antibodies by Monitoring pH-Dependent FcRn Dissociation Using FcRn-pH-HPLC, Presented by Carolin T., Affimed

B015: One-Pot Homogeneous Assay Based on Proximity Proteolysis Reaction for Detecting Diverse Biomarkers, Presented by Heeju J., Ajou University

B016: Screening High Throughput Photocrosslinkable Peptide for Site-Specific Conjugation of IgG, Presented by Byoung Jun L., Ajou University

B017: Engineering of Aldehyde Dehydrogenase to Enhance Its Catalytic Efficiency Toward 3-Hydroxypropanal, Presented by Suhyeon L., Ajou University

B018: Camoolids: Miniaturized Single-Domain Bispecifics from Natural Camelid and Bovine Antibody Repertoires, Presented by Megan D., Albert Einstein College of Medicine

B019: A Machine Learning Pipeline for Biologics Engineering, Presented by Talip U., AstraZeneca

B020: Affimer® Biotherapeutics: Next-Generation Platform for Cancer Therapies, Presented by Manuel P., Avacta Therapeutics

B021: Stability of Poloxamer 188 in Histidine Buffer, Presented by Nadine L., BASF SE

B022: DGE-AUC: Adapting the Power of Density Gradient Separations for Gene Therapy Analytics, Presented by Lutz E., Beckman Coulter GmbH

B023: Simple and High-Throughput Analytics for Proteins and Cells in Bioprocessing, Presented by Eligio I., Beckman Coulter GmbH

B024: Released N-Linked Glycan Analysis Employing Automated Sample Preparation on a Biomek i5 Liquid Handler, Presented by Jovica P., Beckman Coulter GmbH

B025: Disruptive In Vivo Antibody Discovery, Presented by Jessika V., BioClonal SL

B026: DM001, a Novel Anti-TROP2 x EGFR Bispecific ADC (BsADC) with a Novel Topoisomerase I Inhibitor Payload, Demonstrates Potent Anti-Tumor Activity in Preclinical Models and a Favorable Safety Profile in Non-Human Primates, Presented by Jie H., Biocytogen Pharmaceuticals (Beijing) Co., Ltd.

B027: Chromatography Purification of AAV8 Using Mixed-Mode Chromatography, Presented by Jean-Francois D., Bio-Rad Laboratories

B028: Development of IEX Purification Process for Lentiviral Vectors, Presented by Artur S, Bio-Rad Laboratories

B029: Protein Photodegradation in the Visible Range?, Presented by Patrick G., Boehringer Ingelheim Pharma GmbH & Co. KG

B030: Development of a Small-Scale Eukaryotic Protein Expression Platform for Drug Discovery, Presented by Edward W., Cancer Research Horizons

B031: Large-Scale Characterization of Drug Candidates Against Transmembrane Receptors Using HT-SPR, Presented by Judicael P., Carterra, Inc.

B032: DragonFold: A Deep Learning Protein-Ligand Co-Folding Platform, Presented by Christopher C., CHARM Therapeutics

B033: Methods for the Characterization of AAV Drug Products: How to Assess Viral Payload and Particulate Impurities, Presented by Constanze H., Coriolis Pharma Research GmbH

B034: A Semi-Automated Chromatography Platform for Parallel Purification of High Quality Therapeutic Targets, Presented by Mahesh L., Crelux GmbH, a WuXiAppTec company

B035: Unexpected Antibody-Like Stability and Characteristics of DK2[10] (EGFR), Presented by Dave B., Deka Biosciences, Inc.

B036: Early-Stage Development of an In Vitro Screening Assay to Characterize the Activation of Human Adhesion Receptor ADGRE5, Presented by Guilhem D., Domain Therapeutics NA, Inc.

B037: Optimizing CD4+ T Cells Long-Term Expansion Process in the DASbox® Mini Bioreactor System, Presented by Silvia TV., Eppendorf Application Technologies SA

B038: ePlatypus: An Open-Source Computational Software Platform for Immune Analysis, Presented by Andreas A., ETH Zurich

B039: Leveraging Single-Cell Sequencing and Artificial Intelligence to Elucidate Signatures of B Cell Convergence in BMPC, Presented by Raphael K., ETH Zurich

B040: Meta Learning Addresses Noisy and Under Labeled Data in Machine Learning-Guided Antibody Engineering, Presented by Mason M., ETH Zurich

B041: Predictive Profiling of Serum Antibody Protection to SARS-CoV-2 Variants by Deep Mutational Learning, Presented by Danielle S., ETH Zurich

B042: Epitope Fingerprinting for the Identification of Antigens, Presented by Michael S., Fraunhofer Institute for Cell Therapy and Immunology

B043: Precision Antibody Discovery Leveraging Machine Learning to Prioritize Leads, Presented by Ilaria D., GENEWIZ, by Azenta Life Sciences

B044: Optimized Recombinant Antibody Production: A Comprehensive End-to-End Solution by GENEWIZ, Presented by Prassanna R., GENEWIZ, by Azenta Life Sciences

B045: Fast and Efficient Evaluation of the Impact of IgG Fc N-glycan Structure on Effector Functions, Presented by Hanna T., Genovis AB

B046: Enzymatic Tools for Generation of Homogeneous Antibody Fragments – From High-Throughput Screening to Manufacturing Scale, Presented by Philip W., Genovis AB

B047: Comparative Analysis of Next-Generation Sequencing Data Generated from Phage Display Trails with Inorganic Materials, Presented by Christoph B., Helmholtz Institute Freiberg for Resource Technology

B048: High Quality MHC and TCR Monomers for Immunological Research, Presented by Mohammad S., Immudex

B049: Developing ImmTAC Against PIWIL1, a Promising Novel Colorectal Cancer Target, Presented by Christopher R., Immunocore Ltd.

B050: High Throughput Epitope Mapping and Screening in Live Cells, Presented by Faraz C., Immuto Scientific, Inc.

B051: Computational Design to Inhibit Cell-to-Cell Transmission of a-Synuclein Fibrils, Presented by Akshay C., Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi

B052: Nano-Formulation of Antioxidants as Effective Inhibitors of γ-D Crystallin Aggregation, Presented by Vishakha G., Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi

B053: Real-Time Inline Monitoring and Aggregate Detection with the NanoFlowSizer for an Advanced Biologics Production, Presented by Roberta B., InProcess LSP

B054: Costimulatory Antigen Receptor (CoStAR™) Signalling Mediated by a Tumour Targeted CD28.CD40 Fusion Receptor Amplifies TCR Signalling to Augment T Cell Function In Vitro and In Vivo, Presented by Leyuan B., Instil Bio, Inc.

B055: Bispecific GPRC5D Antibodies with Potent Cell-Killing Activity Against Multiple Myeloma, Presented by Sharon W., Integral Molecular

B056: Higher Order Structure, Stability, and Similarity Assessment of VHH Antibodies Using CD Spectroscopy, Presented by Satoko S., JASCO Corporation

B057: Challenges and Innovations in Antibody Development Against Native Epitopes of Multi-Pass Transmembrane Proteins, Presented by Sidney B., KactusBio, Inc.

B058: Tailored AAV Solutions: ELISA Kits and Customized Variant Kit Development, Presented by Vincent W., KactusBio, Inc.

B059: MabMine, Deep Mining of Antibody Repertoires for Advanced Diagnostics and Therapeutics, Presented by Maya I., Katholieke Universiteit Leuven

B060: An In-Silico Antibody Design Platform Developed Multi-Parameter-Optimized Nanobody Targeting Human Vsig4, Presented by Zhongyao Z., Katholieke Universiteit Leuven

B061: Optimization of Recombinant Homo-Tetrameric SOD3 for Use as a Therapeutics, Presented by Sang-Gil K., KBIO Osong Medical Innovation Foundation

B062: A Machine Learning-Driven Approach for the Multiparametric Lead Optimisation of Anti-Tumour T-Cell Engagers, Presented by Pierre-Yves C., LabGenius Ltd.

B063: Unlocking the Potential of Bispecific ADCs with a Modular High-Throughput Screening Platform, Presented by Ben D., Valink Therapeutics Ltd.

B064: Impact of Bispecific Antibody Scaffolds on Colloidal Stability, Presented by Sara C., Lonza Biologics

B065: Analysis of Host-Cell Proteins in In-Process Samples by Next-Generation Proteomics Combined with Targeted Absolute Quantitation, Presented by Lukas K., Lonza Biologics

B066: Curated Reference Sets for Use in Studies of Adaptive Immunity – Addressing the Challenge of Valid Annotation of Antibody Gene Sequences, Presented by Mats O., Lund University

B067: Next-Generation Bioanalytical Instrument for Drug Discovery and Life Sciences, Presented by Tatiana T., Malvern Panalytical

B068: A Humanized Nanobody Library Yields Potent Binders of SARS-CoV-2 Spike with Neutralizing Capabilities, Presented by Anton S., National Institutes of Health, National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences

B069: Thermostable Exoshells for In Vitro Protein Production, Presented by Chester D., National University of Singapore

B070: Stabilization of Labile Protein Substrates in Thermostable Exoshells, Presented by Girish VM., National University of Singapore

B071: Affilin® Based Targeted Radioligand Therapy, Presented by Manja GB., Navigo Proteins GmbH

B072: High-Throughput Multi-Capillary CE-SDS – Field Test, Presented by Jaqueline K., Novartis Pharmaceutical Manufacturing GmbH

B073: NN6K: The Comprehensive and Versatile Human Protein Library for Therapeutic Target and Biomarker Discovery, Presented by Xiaoai W., Novo Nordisk Research Centre China

B074: Developability Assessment for Nonspecificity and Polyreactivity in High-Throughput Bead-Based Assays in Microplates, Presented by Sebastian G., PAIA Biotech GmbH

B075: Rapid Discovery of Functional Human Memory B Cell-Derived Antibodies for SARS-CoV-2 Using the Beacon® Optofluidic System, Presented by Jonathan D., Bruker Cellular Analysis

B076: Improving Protein Production for Vaccine Development with FectoPRO®: A Case Study with Eppendorf SciVario® Twin Bioprocess Controller, Presented by Younes B., Polyplus

B077: Improving mAbsyield and Quality Through Plasmid Engineering, Presented by Marine H., Polyplus

B078: DirectedLuck® for Bispecifics – A Transposase System Streamlines Cell Line Development with Product Quality Focus, Presented by Ellen H., ProBioGen AG

B079: NanoBiT Technologies for CAR-T Characterization and Potency Testing, Presented by Steven E., Promega Corporation

B080: Optimization of a Liquid Chromatography-Tandem Mass Spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) Based Workflow for mRNA Oligonucleotide Sequence Mapping, Presented by David P., Protein Metrics, Inc.

B081: Multiplexed In Vivo Screening Coupled with Generative Binder Design Reveals Biologics with Blood-Brain Barrier-Crossing Properties, Presented by Gleb K., Manifold Biotechnologies, Inc.

B082: S-DUAL™: A Therapeutic Bispecific Antibody Platform for Superior Therapeutic Efficacy and Manufacturability, Presented by Sekyu O., Samsung Biologics

B083: Quantitation of Therapeutic Proteins in Bioanalytical Samples by LC-MS/MS: A Case-Study, Presented by Sergio G., Sanofi

B084: Evaluation of Various Immunoassay Technologies for Measuring Cytokines in Cellular Supernatants in a 384-Well Format, Presented by Ziyu L., Sanofi

B085: Structural Insights for Two Fab – Antigen Complexes – Platelet Glycoprotein VI and SARS-CoV-2 Receptor Binding Domain, Presented by Carl D., SARomics Biostructures

B086: NMR Higher Order Structure (HOS) Analysis of Biologics for Comparison Studies of Batch-to-Batch Consistency, Biosimilars and Formulation Optimizations, Presented by Olof S., SARomics Biostructures

B087: Factors Affecting Stability of Lipid Nanoparticles for Protein and Gene Delivery, Presented by Rawan A., Saudi Food and Drug Authority

B089: Analysis of AAV Loading Status by svAUC – GMP Compliant, Presented by Christoph L., Solvias AG

B090: ATMP - Oligonucleotides and AAV analytics by high resolution MS, Presented by Rafael S., Solvias AG

B091: Detecting and Identifying Free Fatty Acids with Total Holographic Characterization, Presented by Laura P., Spheryx, Inc.

B092: SpyCatcher-Mediated Influenza M2e Peptide Display Is More Immunogenic than Direct Genetic Fusion on the Norovirus-Like Particle, Presented by Vili L., Tampere University of Applied Sciences

B093: Biosensors Are in Trouble with Thick Samples, Presented by Juha M., Tampere University of Applied Sciences

B094: SpySwitch Enables pH- and Heat-Responsive Capture and Release of SpyTag-Proteins, Presented by Rolle R., Tampere University of Applied Sciences

B095: Conditional Activation of a FcγRIIb Targeting Antibody in the Tumor Microenvironment, Presented by Dominic H., Technical University of Darmstadt

B096: Conformation Locking scFvs for the Research and Discovery of FKBP51 Selective Ligands, Presented by Jorge LR., Technical University of Darmstadt

B097: Precise Targeting of B Cell Lymphoma by a Conditionally Activated Anti-IgM Antibody-Drug Conjugate, Presented by Katrin S., Technical University of Darmstadt

B098: Optimization of Cytokine Production in CHO Cells, Presented by Ece C., Technical University of Denmark

B099: Backwash as a Strategy for Biofouling Mitigation in a Submerged Membrane Fermenter for Protein Production, Presented by Manuel P., Technical University of Denmark

B100: Towards Accelerated Formulation Development: Assessing the Predictive Power of Time-Independent Wet Lab and In Silico Parameters for the Storage Stability of IgG1 mAbs, Presented by Deniz T., Technical University of Munich

B101: Machine-Learning-Guided Molecular Evolution of Antibody Fragments, Presented by Sakiya K., Tohoku University

B102: Structure-Based Design of a Botulinum Neurotoxin with Triple-Receptor Recognition, Presented by Geoffrey M., ToxoTech AB

B103: Automated In-Silico Antibody Humanization Enabled by High-Throughput DNA Synthesis, Presented by Ana L., Twist Bioscience

B104: Computational Design of Miniproteins to Target SARS-CoV-2 RBD, Presented by Pedro M., Universidade Nova de Lisboa

B105: Probing the RBD-ACE2 Interactions to Unlock the Design of Biologics Against SARS-CoV-2 Variants, Presented by Rita T., Universidade Nova de Lisboa

B106: Secretion Dynamics in Metal-Supported Synthetic Amyloids, Presented by Eloi P., Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

B107: TITLE COMING SOON, Presented by Lilian D., University College London

B108: Combining CD47 Blockade with Chemoimmunotherapy in Preclinical Neuroblastoma Models, Presented by Courtney H., University College London

B109: Antigen-Specific Antibody Design: Preliminary Progress, Presented by ChuNan L., University College London

B110: Impact of Antibody Architecture and Paratope Valency on Effector Functions of Bispecific NKp30 x EGFR NK Cell Engagers, Presented by Ammelie B., University Hospital Schleswig-Holstein

B111: Turning the Tumor Hot: Genetically Engineered Macrophages to Disrupt the Cold Tumor Microenvironment, Presented by Simon B., University Hospital Zurich

B112: Integration of Clinical, Laboratory, and Multi-Omics Data to Leverage Machine Learning for Diagnostics, Presented by Jan K., University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland

B113: Automated Optimisation of Solubility and Conformational Stability of Antibodies and Enzymes, Presented by Montader A., University of Cambridge

B114: Geometric Deep Learning Approaches for the Design and Optimisation of Antibody Binding Loops, Presented by Matthew G., University of Cambridge

B115: AbNatiV: VQ-VAE-Based Assessment of Antibody and Nanobody Nativeness for Hit Selection, Humanisation, and Engineering, Presented by Aubin R., University of Cambridge

B116: Avian Antibody Production for SARS-CoV-2 Spike Protein: Epitope-Specific Insights, Presented by Tiago P., University of Coimbra

B117: Antibodies Derived from Cats Naturally Infected with SARS-CoV-2 as a Promising Approach for COVID-19 Treatment and Prevention, Presented by Isa M., University of Lisbon

B118: Assessment and Optimization of Freeze-Thaw Stability of mAbs: Perspective on Scale Down Strategies, Presented by Rafaela N., University of Lisbon

B119: Development of a Novel Trispecific Antibody for the Anticancer Immune Targeting of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma, Presented by Margarida FS., University of Lisbon

B120: Combining Controlled Fab-Arm Exchange and mAb² for the Production of Asymmetric Trispecific Antibodies, Presented by Veronica N., University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences (BOKU)

B121: Development of an ADC Targeting IgE-Producing Cells, Presented by Aleksandra R., University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences (BOKU)

B122: MOG - Comparison of Different Expression Systems, Presented by Katharina S., University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences (BOKU)

B123: Genomic and Proteomic Antibody Repertoire Analysis at Single-Cell and Single-Molecule Resolution, Presented by Khang LQ., University of Oslo

B124: Redundancy, Predictability and Sensitivity of the Developability Landscapes of Natural and Engineered Antibody Repertoires, Presented by Eva S., University of Oslo

B125: Expanding Bispecific Antibody Format Space Using SpyMask, Presented by Claudia D., University of Oxford

B126: Shark Antibody Therapeutics to Combat Betacoronavirus Infections, Presented by Austin R., University of Wisconsin-Madison

B127: Bi-Directional Promoter Systems Allow Methanol-Free Production of Hard to Express Unspecific Peroxygenases with Komagataella phaffii, Presented by Mihail B., Vienna University of Technology

B128: Establishing Stable Recombinant Protein Production in Microbial Continuous Cultivations, Presented by Julian K., Vienna University of Technology

B129: VIB Nanobody Core - Nanobody Generation, Nanobody Characterization, Nanobody Engineering, Presented by Ema R., Vrije University Brussels

B130: Improved Biopharmaceutical Peptide Mapping Workflows Using a Novel Autolysis-Resistant Trypsin Enzyme, Presented by Sascha S., Waters Corporation

B131: Overcoming the Challenges in Asymmetric Bispecific Antibody Production by Using Quick ’n Clean Platform, Presented by Vincent H., WuXi Biologics

B132: Establishment of an Ultra High-Throughput Protein Production Platform (Ultra 96) for Early Stage In Vitro Studies, Presented by Monica Z., WuXi Biologics

B133: XrossXeven: AI-Powered GPCR Protein Antigen De Novo Design, Presented by Patrick D., XtalPi

B134: XtalFold™: An Antibody-Antigen/Protein-Protein Complex Structure Prediction Algorithm with Unprecedented Accuracy to Accelerate Therapeutics Development, Presented by Kyle K., XtalPi

B135: From Cell line Engineering to Stable Antibody Production, Presented by Ricardo F., FairJourney Biologics

B136: Structure-Based Charge Calculations for Predicting Properties and Profiling Antibody Therapeutics, Presented by Barbara S., Chemical Computing Group

B137: High Velocity Approach to Therapeutic Antibody DiscoveryPresented by Travis L., Alloy Therapeutics